Virtual Training Assistant, for Mental Health, Run and Walk.
4 weeks to go! – Beginner 2 sessions + race
For the first session of the week, walk for 1 minute and jog for 4 minutes and repeat this 7 times.
For the second session reduce the total amount by repeating only 5 times. Your third session this week will be the WOMEN FIRST 5k run!
Advanced – 2 sessions + race
For the first session of the week, jog for 5 minutes as a warm-up; then run at a steady pace for 5 minutes; followed by 5 minutes at tempo, followed by 3 minutes easy jogging; and then repeat this ‘5-5-3’ set 2 more times. For the second session jog for 30 minutes at an easy pace. Your third session this week will be the WOMEN FIRST 5k run!